Color palette

Sugar icing colors

Note: The representation of colors on the monitor is not binding, as brightness and contrast can vary depending on the monitor. Printing output is also not color-binding. Since food colors are used, there may also be tolerance deviations.

Color palette

Yellow to Orange

Yellow to Orange

Salmon to Dark Red

Salmon to Dark Red

Beige red to Old rose

Beige Red to Old Rose

Pastel violet to Lilac

Pastel Violet to Lilac

Baby Blue to Dark blue

Baby Blue to Dark Blue

Periwinkle to Dark Green

Periwinkle to Dark Green

Khaki to Dark Brown

Khaki to Dark Brown

White to Black

White to Black


Missing your desired color?

No problem: When placing your order for 1000 or more hearts, you can also provide us with an RAL code. It will be produced for you for a fee. Please note that due to food colors, a 100% implementation of the RAL color code is not achievable, and there may be deviations! (You can find all color codes here)

Which products can you combine with your desired color?

For all individual products processed with icing, the icing can be colored according to your color request.

Where can you specify your desired color?

For all our individual gingerbread products where color selection is available, you can now specify your color request. For private and business customers, you will find the suitable products on the homepage of our gingerbread online shop. - Click here to go to the shop -